Introducing our Raw Vietnamese Straight Bundle, sourced from the rural areas of Vietnam. This is 100% human hair and also unprocessed. The hair is soft, silky smooth texture with an elegant luster. The cuticle is fully aligned ensuring that you get a high-quality bundle, and not to mention each bundle is double wefted for maximum durability. Each bundle is collected from a single donor, NO ONE BUNDLE IS THE SAME! COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO DIFFERENT DONORS. WE WILL TRY MY BEST TO MATCH EACH BUNDLE (COLOR WISE). These hair bundles can be straightened, curled, crimped, permed, etc or colored (TNBC recommends seeking a licensed Cosmetologist w\ experience in color) for even more styling options. These bundles are nice and full; remember these are human hair bundles so some shedding will occur but nothing major! Minimum to no tangling! With proper care, bundles may last anywhere from 2-5 years!! You'll love the radiant luster and alluring beauty of this bundle. **** ALL BUNDLES ARE CO-WASHED BEFORE BEING SHIPPED TO YOU!!!****
RAW Vietnamese Straight Bundle Deal
Weight: 3.2oz - 3.5oz {about 100 grams} per bundle.
Natural black {1B} Some bundles may be brown due to 1 donor per bundle.
Raw hair meaning no chemical processing.
**The hair models hair has been styled, you will receive your bundles\wig in its orignal texture. The style is NOT included.
Send a message if you have any questions.
Please view my Hair Care Instructions Tab to properly be informed on how to maintain your bundle(s) /wig(s)!
Please view my return policy tab if any issues may occur.